What Can Dogs Eat? Truth About Garlic, Shrimp, Pickles, and More

Have you ever wondered about what can dogs eat? Whether it is advisable to feed your dog garlic, shrimp, salmon or tuna, coconut, olives or pickles, cherries, zucchini, or sweet potatoes? All of these items can have various impacts on the dogs including positive and negative ones. Deciding what can dogs eat? can be difficult, especially in cases where the options are human foods. I’ll be sharing with you which of these foods can be given to a dog. How the food should be prepared, and which foods should be avoided. 

Can Dogs Have Garlic?

The following are some of the human foods that are toxic to dogs Garlic is a common ingredient in many of the human foods that we prepare and take. Garlic belongs to the Allium family of vegetables, which also includes leeks, onions, and chives. These foods contain thiosulfate which is toxic to dogs and may result to hemolytic anemia which is the condition where red blood cells are broken down faster than they are replaced. The signs and symptoms of garlic toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and a pale line on the gum. It may be toxic to your canine even in small quantities, so this food must not be given to your dog.

what can dogs eat

Can Dogs Have Shrimp?

Shrimps are safe for dogs to consume. But they should be prepared in the right manner to reduce the calorie content. It is rich in Protein and has low fat content and also has a small amount of vitamins B and phosphorus. Still, shrimp should not be consumed raw. It poses a health risk due to bacteria and parasites in seafood products. Shrimps that are not well cooked can be detrimental to your dog’s health. However, you should be careful when serving this food to dogs, as too much shrimp can cause diarrhea or an upset stomach and disrupt the meal’s nutritional balance.

Can Dogs Eat Salmon?

salmon is another fish that can be good for the health of your dog. That is why it contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are very beneficial as they help maintain skin and coat conditions, prevent inflammation, and improve joint health. Dogs can safely consume cooked salmon, but raw salmon should be avoided due to the risk of salmon poisoning, a serious illness that can even be fatal to your pet. It is always advisable to take out any bones from the salmon because they can cause choking. For instance, you can occasionally serve your pet a small portion of cooked, boneless salmon that is rich in protein and can help your furry friend build muscles.

what can dogs eat

Can Dogs Eat Tuna?

Tuna is a subject of controversy for dogs. Tuna is not poisonous to dogs. However, it should not be used often as a food for dogs because it contains high amounts of mercury. When the mercury level rises over time, these effects can worsen and become the cause of mercury poisoning in dogs. If that is your choice, then, you should feed your dog canned tuna. But avoid the ones that are cooked in oil and those that contain lots of spices or salt added to it. In an ideal world, it is advisable to avoid feeding your dog tuna at all and to go for other less dangerous types of fish such as salmon or sardines instead.

Can Dogs Have Coconut?

Dogs are thought to be safe around coconut, which can also have some health advantages. The Coconut has healthy fats in the form of medium-chain triglycerides that enhance brain health, energy, and coat health. The oil of Coconut is popularly used in feeding dogs. However, when adding coconut oil to the diet of your dog. It is crucial to do it gradually to avoid digestive complications or discomfort. Though the flesh and the oil are okay. It is advisable to refrain from offering your dog the hard shell or husk since they may lead to choking or blockage of the digestive system.

Can Dogs Have Olives?

They are safe for dogs but should not be fed to dogs too frequently. Introduce only pitted olives that have no added salt, Seasonings, or spices. As it can trigger health issues like digestive system complications or even choking. Too many olives can lead to upset stomachs due to their high salt content. However, it is always advisable to consult your vet before introducing new foods to the dog as they may not be healthy for them.

Can Dogs Eat Pickles?

Canned pickles should not be given to dogs since they contain high sodium levels. Many people complain of high levels of salt in pickles. This causes dehydration, high blood pressure, and other health evils. A spoonful of plain pickles may not be toxic to the dog. But it’s safer to avoid giving your dog pickles in any way and opt for healthier snacks instead.

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Can Dogs Have Cherries?

Cherries are one of the fruits that may cause certain issues for dogs. The flesh part of fresh cherry is okay for dogs to consume in moderate quantity. However, its pits, stems, and leaves contain cyanide, which is deadly. If consumed, cyanide is toxic and its ingestion may cause problems like breathing difficulty, reddened gums, and widening of the pupil. Also, the pits are known to cause blockages in the intestines. This means if you wish to feed your dog with cherries. It is advisable to remove the pits, stems, and leaves and give your dog only a small quantity of the cherry flesh.

Can Dogs Eat Zucchini?

Zucchini is a nontoxic vegetable that is good for dogs and it will help to solve the problem if included in the diet. It is very low in calorie content and possesses vitamin A, C, and fiber properties. Hence recommended for cooking for your dogs. Raw, cooked, or pureed, zucchini remains a good addition to a diabetic diet but doesn’t include any seasoning, oils, or butter. 

Can Dogs Have Sweet Potatoes?

Can Dog Eat Sweet Potatoes? Yes, it is safe for dogs to consume. They contain dietary fiber, Vitamin A, C & B6, and antioxidants that are nutritional benefits of the fruit. Unlike raw sweet potatoes, cooked ones are soft. Which makes digestion an easy thing for your dog and also regulates the digestive system of the dog. Nevertheless, it is only safe to feed your dog with sweet potatoes that have been cooked and not raw. Because raw sweet potatoes are hard to digest and may lead to stomach upsets. Do not add any sugar, butter, or seasoning of any form to sweet potatoes. Consider them as a special dish that should not be consumed daily.

what can dogs eat


Every once in a while, it becomes possible for a dog owner to give his dog some human food. So, here are some of the safe and unsafe human foods that you should be aware of. Garlic and pickles happen to be particularly toxic for canines. While other types of food are considered to be good for the dog. Such as shrimp, fish like salmon, and sweet potatoes. However, it should be prepared perfectly and given to the dog in moderation. With new foods always start with a small amount, progressively increasing then. Always consult a vet, if there are any special concerns with your dog’s diet.

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