Ayam Cemani Chicken

If we’re talking about strange and exotic chicken breeds, there is no bird even remotely similar to the Ayam Cemani. This incredible bird is known as the ‘Lamborghini of poultry’ for its all-black plumage, from head to toe, beak to bone. Black color is a result of a genetic disorder known as fibromelanosis. This breed is not only black in skin; even its bones, and organs. The name Ayam which stands for chicken in Indonesian, Cemani is the name of the village in Java Indonesia where this breed is believed to have been bred.

Popularity: A Coveted Breed Worldwide

The Cemani chicken has received a lot of attention globally not only because of the appearance but also the folklore associated with these birds. In Indonesia, the bird is related to witchcraft and is used in a ritual. In the Western world, Cemani has become a symbol of luxury for other poultry owners because of its rare nature. It has predominantly black plumage and an air of enigma, which has only served to make the bird popular among enthusiasts interested in collecting, breeding, and showing these birds.

Ayam Cemani

About Ayam Cemani Eggs: A Surprising Revelation

However, even if this breed is black from head to foot, Ayam Cemani’s egg looks quite ordinary, besides the black color. They are typically cream or light beige and not black as many people would expect. These chickens are in the category of ‘slow-laying chickens’ and can lay up to 60 to 100 eggs per annum, which is relatively low compared to most chicken breeds. The eggs are medium size and people believe that the eggs are very tasty the reason as to why many people are eager to take the eggs.

About Ayam Cemani Meat: Exotic and Expensive

As for Ayam Cemani meat, they are as extraordinary as the chicken itself. It is black-colored, dense, and nutrient-dense; considered to possess medicinal properties, especially in the Orient. In addition, given the fact that this type of chicken is very rare and has specific black feathers, the cost of meat is also relatively high. I have never seen it in supermarket shops but sometimes you can get it from shops dealing in specialties or from private breeders.

Ayam Cemani Chicks: Raising the Next Generation

Raising the chicks can be an enriching process for those who want to keep the breed pure. The chicks are black down-covered and the grow into the fully-black adult birds as depicted in the picture above. But to achieve this, they need close monitoring, especially within the first few years of life. It is noble to give them a warm, safe environment and healthy foods in order to grow into healthy adults.

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Where to Find Them?

Purchasing these chickens may not be easy because the bird is so rare in the market today. They are not normally found at local farms or hatcheries and most will go through a breeder or on the internet from an auction. When buying, one has to be very careful. Because there are people who wish to defraud buyers by selling look-alike chickens such as the Indonesian Ayam Cemani variety. In addition, rules of transportation and import should be taken into account, if the supplies are bought from different countries.

Ayam Cemani Price: The Cost of Rarity:

It is fairly expensive relative to other chicken breeds, which is understandable due to their uniqueness. The average price for a standard is between $100 to $500 for each bird; nevertheless, the special and rare breed will cost even more. Chicks are generally cheaper; however, they are still much more costly than most other chicken breeds. There are also different prices depending on the breeder, the geographical location, and the quality of the bird. However, people need to realize that this is a rare breed, and having such cattle also comes along with the obligation of having to keep it.

Ayam Cemani


The Ayam Cemani is not just a chicken; it’s a marvel of nature and a symbol of luxury in the poultry world. From its striking all-black appearance to its fascinating origins, this breed continues to captivate enthusiasts around the globe. Whether you’re interested in its mystical reputation, unique eggs, or exotic meat, this is a breed that truly stands out. If you’re considering adding one to your flock, be prepared for the attention and admiration this extraordinary bird will undoubtedly bring.


Are Indonsian Cemani chickens friendly?

Yes, these chickens are known to be calm and friendly, making them suitable for backyard flocks.

Do Ayam Cemani chickens lay black eggs?

No, despite their black appearance, these chickens lay cream-colored or light-beige eggs.

How long do Ayam Cemani chickens live?

With proper care, this breed of chickens can live up to 6-8 years, similar to other chicken breeds.

How do I care for Indonesian cemani chickens?

These chickens require similar care to other chicken breeds. Ensure they have a secure coop, clean water, a balanced diet, and protection from predators. Regular health checks are also important due to their rarity.

Can Ayam Cemani chickens be kept with other chicken breeds?

Yes, Indonesian Cemani chickens can be kept with other breeds as they are generally docile. However, it’s essential to monitor for any signs of aggression, especially when introducing them to a new flock.


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